Friday, March 13, 2009


Your view on yourself:

You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.

The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:

You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.

Your readiness to commit to a relationship:

You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.

The seriousness of your love:

You like to flirt and behave seductively. The opposite sex finds this very attractive, and that's why you'll always have admirers hanging off your arms. But how serious are you about choosing someone to be in a relationship with?

Your views on education

Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.

The right job for you:

You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.

How do you view success:

You are confident that you will be successful in your chosen career and nothing will stop you from trying.

What are you most afraid of:

You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear.

Who is your true self:

You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

AIESEC UTM ..Truth ConFerence

pada 7 mac yg lepas..ak dpt invitation pg UTM skudai.. jemputan seminar HiV /AIDS "TRUTH' CONFERENCE bg progrm CROSSED RED RIBBON ALERT (CRRA)2oo9.progrm ni adlh brtujuan untuk menyediakan tapak pertemuan kepada para mahasiswa/i ,pelajar antarabangsa dan pertubuhan bukan kerajaan (NGO) yang berkait rapat dgn isu HiV AiDs.Selain itu progrm ini diharapkn dpt meningktkn kesedaran org rmai terutama mahasiswa/i berkenaan isu ini di kalangan masyarakat hari ini...

progrm ni berlangsung selama 2 hari, 7 -8 mac 2oo9.Frst day kt sne,actvty hnya brjln kt dlm dewan jer..sempoi2 jek..x formal sgt..conference ni turut di hadiri oleh wakil dr INTAN LIFE ZONE....

on the 2nd day,kami dibhgi mngikut group..we hv a mission at JB..each group got 1 task..we was given 2 hours to complete that mission.. my group,JB Turtles (given by powell) need to find 5 personalities and interview all of them based on the question that is provided...
untuk dptkn target kami,bkn kje yg mudah..mcm2 bnde yg kmi lalui..sabo je 2 adalh pengalman brhrga bg ak...pengalaman mengajar ak erti hidup....

dak group ak....

yuni ak & deeba...

pose kt tgga..fatin,ak & yuni..

Monday, March 9, 2009

miss ur kiss n hug...

bru sbntr td jmpe ngn mak kwn ak....
de sgt baek..terasa cm ak jmpe mk ak sndri..
de peluk cium ak..
de peluk ak xnk lepas....
de cium dahi ak...
da lme xrse smua 2....
rindunyer mak!!...
"belajar elok2..rajin2 taw." pesan de kt ak..

sejuta kaseh & cinta bwt mak... i LOve U

Monday, March 2, 2009


Ada Masa
Ada masa yang akan ku fikirkan
Kiranya kau pergi dari ku
Bagaimanakah akan ku teruskan tanpa mu
Tak sanggup untuk ku bayangkan
Andainya takdirkan dijauhkan kau dari ku
Satu yang ku mahu hanyalah kamu

Maafkan aku telah ku lukakan hati mu cinta ku
Ingin benar ku memahami diri mu
Agar dapat slalu senyum diwajah mu 2x

Betapa sungguh ku inginkan belayan semanja
saat kau berikan ku
Merasa kehangatannya cinta mu
Sakitnya tiap kali kau titiskan
Air jernih dari mata mu
Bebanan yang ku tak mampu

Maafkan aku telah ku lukakan hati mu cinta ku
Ingin benar ku memahami diri mu
Agar dapat slalu senyum diwajah mu 2x

Andainya kau tahu perasaan ku pada mu
Takkan kau siakan airmata mu
Walaupun diri ku jauh
Takkan pernah kau tiada dihati ku

Maafkan dirimu jangan kau sayu
Benar bila kau jauh
Tak tertahan rindu

Maafkan diri ku aku perlu cinta mu
Walau jauh dari mu hanya kau dihati ku
Ada masa terfikir
Ada masa terdetik di hati
Tak sanggup ku kesorangan

Sunday, March 1, 2009

tHis iS me!!

I've always been the kind of girl
That hid my face
So afraid to tell the world
What I've got to say
But I have this dream
Right inside of me
I'm gonna let it show, it's time
To let you know
To let you know

This is real, this is me
I'm exactly where I'm suppose to be, now
Gonna let the light, shine on me
Now I've found, who I am
There's no way to hold it in
No more hiding who I want to be
This is me

Do you know what it's like
To feel so in the dark
To dream about a life
Where you're the shining star
Even though it seems
Like it's too far away
I have to believe in myself
It's the only way

This is real,
This is me
I'm exactly where I'm suppose to be, now
Gonna let the light, shine on me
Now I've found, who I am
There's no way to hold it in
No more hiding who I want to be
This is me

You're the voice I hear inside my head
The reason that I'm singing
I need to find you,
I gotta find you
You're the missing piece I need
The song inside of me
I need to find you,
I gotta find you

This is real, this is me
I'm exactly where I'm suppose to be, now
Gonna let the light, shine on me
Now I've found, who I am
There's no way to hold it in
No more hiding who I want to be
This is me

You're the missing piece I need
The song inside of me (this is me)
You're the voice I hear inside my head
The reason that I'm singing(this is me)
Now I've found, who I am
There's no way to hold it in
No more hiding who I want to be
This is me

jOm rEleAse tenSioN..

Teka-teki: Hitam dan berpeluh.. HA.. Ape2??
Jawapan: semut hitam tengah berjogging.. huhuhu
Teka-teki: Ape benda bila masuk segitiga bila kuar bergulung-gulung?
Jawapan: Seluar dalam ler.. haha…
Teka-teki: Antara kapal terbang dengan kuih lepat liat, mana satu yang paling tinggi?
Jawapan: Kuih lepat liat la… sebab kapal terbang sampai langit je, tapi kuih lepat sampai lelangit!
Teka-teki: Banyak2 kotak, kotak apa yang takleh angkat?
Jawapan: Kotak penalti lah.. wawawa!
Teka-teki: Kenapa Penggali Kubur Gali Kubur Tak Pakai Selipar???
Teka.. teka.. kalo terer!
Jawapan: Selipar mana boleh buat gali tanah, guna cangkul lar… hue hue hue!!
Teka-teki: Bulu bertemu bulu… kulit bertemu kulit… makin tambah rapat makin nikmat rasanyer!
Jawablah kalau bijak sangat!
Jawapan: Haah.. mulalah otak kuning, MATA lah jawapan nyer..!
Teka-teki: 3 kepala, 6 mata, 8 kaki. Apakah bendanya tu?
Jawapan: Koboi naik kuda bawak ayam.
Teka-teki: Masa dia hidup kita menyanyi, masa dia mati kita tepuk tangan.
Jawapan: lilin masa sambut ‘EPI BESDAY’
Teka-teki: Scorpion kaler apa?
Jawapan: Kala jengking lah.. senang pun takleh nak jawab!
Teka-teki: Dalam banyak2 kera, kera ape yang pandai menaip???
Jawapan: Kerani
Teka-teki: Ada sorang imam, tengah semahyang pastu ada sekor anjing lalu kat depan dia. Pastu dia jilat kaki dia, BATAL TAK AIR SEMAYANG IMAM TU???
Jawapan: Mana batal sebab anjing tu jilat kaki dia sendiri!
Teka-teki: 4 orang awek cun berpayung dengan satu payung tapi nape tak basah langsung??
Jawapan: Sebab tak hujan… aduhai! Dahlah malaslah nak tanya lagi… soalan bebudak pun takleh nak jawab!!


The love of Allah never disappoints
Bringing us closer to Him
Each time we remember him
Even death will not do us apart...

Love is ever so beautiful
Like the morning dews on blossoming roses
Lifting its veil among the tall mountains
Letting the sun rays seep through the clouds.

But the love of a human being

Never lasts long
One will say enough is enough
Or both will be separated by death.

This love is but temporary
The morning dew will evaporate
The tall mountains may fall from earthquakes
The sun rays will be shrouded by lightning clouds.

What love lasts forever then
Despair not for I will tell you
There is nothing greater than the love of Allah
That lasts forever and eternally.